Beautiful Website Design in Kansas City | Sunbloom Studio

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Your website should be both functional and beautiful.

First, let’s discuss what we mean when we say “functional”?

A functional website is one that has a great user experience for both the website owner AND the website viewer.

As the owner, you obviously want a website that is easy to manage on your own. And as a viewer, you obviously want to visit a website that makes sense and has no glitches.

That’s why it’s so important to prioritize a user-friendly experience for both you (the website owner) and the viewer.

Now let’s chat about why having both a functional AND beautiful site is so important…

Let’s say you visit a website and it’s GORGEOUS...but also confusing and glitchy.

Or you visit a site that is NOT pleasant to look at AT ALL but it is very easy to use.

Both of these options will leave you unsatisfied, frustrated and you probably won’t purchase whatever they’re selling. That is why it is vital to make sure your site offers beauty + functionality so it can represent your brand in the best way possible! Better representation ➡️ more sales!

🌟Pro Tip: If you’re not sure if you’re website ticks both these boxes, go to a coffee shop and show your site to some people there and ask their honest opinion about it.

If you’re worried your website isn't offering the best experience for your viewers, send us an email and let’s chat!